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Artist Dates Ideas: Independent Activities to Spark Creativity

Following along with the amazing book, The Artist's Way has its perks. It has been the most transformative book I've ever read. Maybe that's because much of the contents of the book are about action. The Artist's Way is really about inspiring change, it outlines activities and steps that push you towards creativity.  Every week for 12 weeks, someone participating in this book is supposed to go on an artist date. As I described in my  previous post , artist dates are solo adventures that you plan in order to nourish your artistic self. They are supposed to help you find inspiration and clarity--and they must be done absolutely alone, no exceptions! I have definitely found myself searching for ideas on Google in order to stay away from the scary idea of having an artist date that feels flat and repetitive. That would sort of defeat the entire purpose of an artist date--how can you feel that grand sense of adventure if you're going to the same place or doing the same

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